These ministries give lay members of the church the opportunity to serve during the Mass. Training, on-going formation, and support are provided for all liturgical ministries. Please fill out the form on this page to be contacted about serving in any of these roles.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic ministers distribute Holy Communion (the precious Body and Blood of Christ) under the form of bread and wine. These ministers must be confirmed in the Catholic faith and if married, be in a valid marriage.
Lectors read the introduction and announcements before Mass and proclaim the Scripture
readings during Mass. They lead the assembly in prayer in the Prayer of the Faithful. Lectors
need to feel comfortable in front of the assembly.
Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality
Ushers greet people arriving for Mass, answer questions of those visiting, and help create an
atmosphere of hospitality and welcome. They also assist with the collection, distribute the
bulletin at the end of Mass, and make sure all is in good order after Mass.
Altar Servers
Parish youth in fourth grade through high school are encouraged to serve at the altar. This
ministry includes carrying the processional cross, holding the Roman Missal for the priest, and
helping to prepare the altar for the Liturgy of the Eucharists.
Watch a video from Fr. Ben inviting you to become an altar server.
Sacristans arrive early to unlock the church doors and set up what is needed for Mass. Set up
includes things like preparing the books for the lector and priest and setting up the credence
table with the vessels needed for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The sacristan also washes the
vessels, puts them away, and locks up the church before leaving.
Accompanists and Cantor/Songleaders
Accompanists and cantor/songleaders share their musical expertise and lead the assembly in
song during Mass. Music for Mass is planned by the music committee and given to the
accompanists and cantor/songleaders.
Live Streaming Technology- at Holy Family Church
Run the live streaming computer. Duties include creating a new video in You Tube, and then updating the parish website with the new video link. During the Mass for the live stream: use the video control panel to control the three cameras and switch between them for different shots, including wide congregation shots and close ups of the lector and priest.