From the Pastor
To Be Vaccinated or Not to Be Vaccinated.
That Is a Question! Last week in this column, Archbishop Jackels' letter was featured. He urged all 16 years of age and older not having a medical condition preventing vaccination to please get vaccinated at your earliest convenience, regardless of which vaccine is being offered. His reasons are important too. It is for the common good of public health and as a way to practice love of one's neighbor.
Some people with health conditions and particularly children are not able to receive the vaccine. People are still contracting Covid. Some Covid variants seem to hit children especially hard. When more of us are vaccinated, spread among children and others is lessened. That's a great example of "love of neighbor" in action! I was vaccinated for you ( as well as my own benefit). It was the least I could do for you. I will also continue to mask, sanitize my hands, visit the sick and do whatever else I can to help others. Will you join me?
If you are uncertain, get information from your doctor or his or her office. With your help, we can get back to a far more normal and less anxious life. That's our goal!
A Change the First Weekend in June at Epiphany and in the Archdiocese
Seating space has been tight at some weekend Masses. The necessary weekly RSVP process has been burdensome for some parishioners. With a lessening Covid threat, beginning the weekend of June 5/6th, our parish and parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Dubuque are no longer required to socially distance seating in pews at Mass. For Epiphany, that also means that beginning the first weekend in June, we will no longer be asking you to RSVP for Mass.
We will continue to require wearing masks at all Masses and services. In fact, this is especially important since more people will be sitting closer together. Please use sanitizer as you enter the church. The sanitizer is located at the entrance for this use. Also, you are urged to use your hand sanitizer at communion before coming forward in procession. All other restrictions will remain in place as well, i.e. holy communion only in the hand, no available cry room seating, no hymnals. We will see how vaccinations and other signs progress. We want to maintain a safe environment for worship.
Please read the enclosed statement from Archbishop Jackels regarding the June 5/6th changes. Most importantly, you will see Catholics in the Archdiocese of Dubuque are again obligated to attend Sunday Mass. The Archbishop explains the exceptions to this obligation in the insert. He rightly calls this our Sunday "Opportunity". That makes good sense!! I trust we'll be seeing more people again on Sundays. I look forward to seeing you!
-- Father Neil