We are sad to announce that the annual Epiphany Parish Festival will not be returning in its traditional format this year. Our plans are to still provide a celebration of some of the things that make the festival successful and fun!
RAFFLE - Several cash prizes, Flat Screen TV, Portal for Facebook - Tickets will be available soon!
ONLINE SILENT AUCTION - We are currently soliciting some great items. You will be notified when it is live!
TREASURES IN A TRUNK - We have some really nice “used” stuff that we will be selling. Details to come!
FAMILY ACTIVITIES - Watch for some great family activities (face mask competition, scavenger hunt, coloring contest & more) that will be posted on our web-site. Currently working on the final details.
FOOD - We are in the process of partnering with some local restaurants to sponsor an Epiphany Parish day!
PIE AUCTION - It would not be a festival without a pie auction! Details are currently being worked out.
MASS IN THE GRASS - Reviewing ways to hold Mass outdoors and have plenty of room for social distancing.