Planning for the future is hard when you’re still paying for the past! Listen—there’s a better way! Join my Financial Peace University class, and we’ll learn how to beat debt and make a plan for the future . . . together! Interested? Join me at St Joseph's Catholic Church of Epiphany Parish starting Sunday, January 5, 2020. Feel free to message me your questions or sign up at!
No more money fights! With Financial Peace University, you and your spouse will learn how to create (and stick to) a budget, save for emergencies, and make a plan for the future. Doesn’t that sound peaceful? I’m offering FPU at St Joseph's Catholic Church of Epiphany Parish just for you starting Sunday, January 5, 2020. If you’re interested in learning more, send me a message! You can also to sign up!
Spoiler alert: The Joneses are broke. That means keeping up with them will only get you into MORE debt! It’s time to run fast and hard in the other direction, and Financial Peace University will show you how. Join me for my next class at St Joseph's Catholic Church of Epiphany Parish starting Sunday, January 5, 2020. Feel free to message me with any questions or sign up at!
Sincerely, your instructors,
Tony & Kristy Marquis