Organized by our parish Moms Group- it provides donated meals to parish families who need relief from meal preparation. Parishioners can sign-up as a volunteer meal provider- please read the full article for more details and contact information.
We are sad to announce that the annual Epiphany Parish Festival will not be returning in its traditional format this year. Our plans are to still provide a celebration of some of the things that make the festival successful and fun! Go to full article for more details.
Message from Father Neil: Every year since establishing parish goals and working to state our parish mission, we have conducted a parish survey in October. It will be available in the pews this weekend and online via our website... (continue to the full article to take the survey)
Shirt Order due August 4th. Return either to Parish Office or Offertory Basket @ Mass with payment. T-shirts $12, Sweatshirts $18- three colors goto article for order form...
Good Friday Community Cross Walk April 19, at noon. Beginning at First United Methodist Church 119 S. Georgia. Sponsored by the Mason City Ministerial Association and the churches of Mason City
Pastoral Council election will be held the weekend of May 18-19, and candidates need to have biographies/nomination papers submitted by May 3 ... (go to full article for more details)
The experience of people who have joined small Christian communities shows that we all come from different places on the faith journey that we share, we find we are all heading in the same direction. Why not join 8 to 10 of your fellow parishioners ... (go to full article)
Want to learn more about our Mass? Why do we (Catholics) do what we do at Mass? This February the Area Faith Formation is hosting a series of talks by Father Neil, Father Jacob, Father John Gossman and seminarian intern Eric Zenisek ... (details in full article)...