The Epiphany Parish Stewardship Committee promotes stewardship and educates parishioners to know that all that we have and enjoy is a gift from God, and to become committed disciples of Jesus by using all that we have gratefully, faithfully, and joyfully to spread the Gospel message.
Jean Casey
Jamie Locke - chair
Marie Laubenthal
Susan Morris
Jane Wageman
Deacon Jim Wolf
"As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord."
Supports the Sienna Institute's "Called and Gifted" program to assist parishioners in growing spiritually and discerning what God is calling them to do with their God-given gifts.
Maintains list of parish and community ministries where parishioners may serve.
Supports annual parish Epiphany Feast Day celebration in January.
Creation of stewardship education materials for distribution in parish media.
Supports "Meet and Greet" socials to build parishioner relationships.
Anyone interested in serving on the Stewardship Committee may contact Jean Casey at [email protected].